News & Politics

Obama’s Illegals Arrested for 7 Murders

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump created a huge stir when he characterized most illegal aliens as being criminals. The liberals were outraged...

Trump Wants Pelosi-Russia Probe

As Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi continues to call for the resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and for a probe into alleged contact betw...

GOP Obamacare Replacement

During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump promised to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. He and others have pointed out t...

Democrat Double Standards

During his presidential campaign and eight years in office, Barack Obama never produced his real birth certificate, nor did he ever produce any of this college ...

Dr. Carson Confirmed HUD Secretary

Dr. Ben Carson grew up poor in Detroit and knows first hand what poor people need. His firsthand experience and knowledge should be invaluable in this new role ...



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