CL Defense, a local gun shop in Dublin, Georgia is giving a brand new gun to a man who shot an armed robber. Billy Harrell, a restaurant manager, closed up for ...
In 2011, the nation and especially the sports world was rocked when Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky was arrested and indicted on 52 counts of...
Communication companies vie for your cell phone business. Part of a free enterprise system allows for such healthy competition that sometimes works in favor of ...
More and more today we see conflicts between development, civilization and the environment. Both sides have great arguments that often get lost in the controver...
Have you ever heard of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) or know who they really are?
According to the FBI, the Council on American Islamic Rela...
Under the past eight years of the Obama administration, military spending has been steadily decreasing. Obama intentionally reduced the number of military perso...
The United States military has been waging war in Afghanistan for 15 years now. Under Barack Obama, thousands of US troops were withdrawn, but some forces still...
What will it take to get some liberal judges to hold terrorists behind bars?
Miami, Florida police were called to an adult store where a man was swinging a p...
If you ever watch any of the mainstream media news programs, you will hear them blasting President Donald Trump and members of his new administration for their ...
In a city where 1 bedroom apartment can run anywhere from $2000 to over $3,500 a month, San Francisco city council is now offering two years free college tuitio...
Last year, a writer accused now First Lady Melania Trump of once working as an escort. She filed a lawsuit against the writer who has now issued an apology and ...
Anyone who studies history will tell you that many of the things that begin in Europe eventually find their way over the Atlantic to America. It’s true with mus...
President Donald Trump banned travel from certain countries to help curve the amount of terrorists sneaking into America, disguised as refugees.
However, the...
California has often been referred to as the land of nuts, fruits and flakes. You can read that any way you want, but in reference to that statement, it’s only ...
Lady Gaga,
I felt the need to write this open letter to you…
Please do not try to play the hero. Don’t try to swoop in and “save the day” during the 2017 ...
Originally, the Pentagon had negotiated a deal with Lockheed Martin for the new F-35 fighter jets. President Donald Trump thought the price was too high so he g...
If you listen and believe the liberal mainstream media reports, you would believe that Muslims have become the most persecuted group of people in the world. Esp...
Barack Obama and John Kerry may have given Iran the keys to the armory with their infamous nuclear trade deal, but President Donald Trump is taking the keys bac...
In 2008, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and many other Democrats promised that under their new Affordable Care Act that everyone would have affordable healthcare co...
Many conservatives criticized Barack Obama for his support of a Palestinian state. Such action is not supported by our ally Israel. In a very surprised move, Pr...
One has to wonder if Russia is testing to see how strong President Donald Trump is. They want to know if he will be a weak and cowardice as Barack Obama, so the...
Last year, the British people voted to withdraw from the European Union. On Wednesday, the British Parliament decisively voted to move Brexit forward. The vote ...
I grew up in Boy Scouts. My dad was a Boy Scout troop leader and district commissioner. My mom was also active in scouts being a den mother and helping out with...
A Christian, pro-life demonstrator was recently assaulted outside of a Planned Parenthood facility in Ashland, Oregon.
While he was speaking, an angry women at...
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