Judge Andrew Napolitano has been serving a senior legal analyst for Fox News for a few years. After his claims on the air last week that Obama had sought the se...
On the roster: - Trump makes Dems chase tails on Obama tapping - Sharp lines drawn as Gorsuch gets underway - What could determine Gorsuch’s fate? - Audible: Be...
Hallelujah! Trump is signing a law that will increase drug testing for those receiving welfare. FINALLY! I am so entirely tired of working long hours and having...
Even after President Trump threatened to cut off all federal funding for sanctuary cities and locations, some area law enforcement agencies continue to refuse t...
Two dangerous and violent Obama “DREAMERs,” both illegals from Guatemala, were arrested for brutally raping a 14-year-old girl right in a Maryland high school b...
The Trump administration has been taking a strong stand against the United Nations on a number of issues, including drastically cutting the US funding of the UN...
FBI Director James Comey confirmed that they are investigating the alleged contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia. The White House continues to say ther...
Before Neil Gorsuch ever reached the steps to the Senate building, his Democratic enemies were armed and ready to shred him to pieces on his first day of confir...
If you were asked the following question today, what would you say?
“Does President Trump have a plan for where he wants to take the nation?”
If you were aske...
A US diplomat has been expelled from New Zealand after the embassy refused to waive his immunity during a police investigation.
The staffer was allegedly invol...
If you are a teacher who happens to be a Christian, conservative and patriotic and you teach in the public school system, you have no 1st Amendment rights to fr...
This is a rush transcript from "Fox News Sunday," March 19, 2017. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
The war on American conservatism has taken enormous leaps forward in the past year, with social media playing a massive new role.
Facebook, Twitter, and Google...
At my age I'm pretty sure I don't need maternity care.
At her age I'm pretty sure my granddaughter doesn't need health insurance for her end-of-life needs.
Have you ever really thought about the backward logic used by so many liberals and Democrats today? Perhaps the most backward logic they use is to point to trag...
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has been meeting with Asian leaders trying to assure some and recruit help from others over the aggressiveness of North Korea. ...
George Conway, husband of Kellyanne Conway, President Trump's top legal counsel, is expected to be named to the head the Civil Division in the Department of Jus...
After complaining for eight years that Republicans in Congress would not compromise or work together with Democrats, Democrats have vowed to fight everything Re...
In the last few years, Chicago has been plagued with increases in gun-related violence and crimes.
Chicago has a long-storied history of crime going back way b...
In today’s world, it’s considered cool to disrespect the American flag and our nation in general. So many members of the younger generation enjoy protesting aga...
Cronyism has been around as long as mankind. President John f Kennedy named his brother Robert to be US Attorney General. President Trump has already been under...
Donald Trump has been opposed every step of the way by liberals as it pertains to the U.S. immigration reform, but the President is not planning to back down.
Many do not believe President Trump's claim that Trump Tower was wiretapped or bugged, even though he says he will present evidence soon. In his meeting with Ge...
Is there any sector of American life that is more liberal, anti-American and anti-Christian than the humanities and arts?
We know someone who is a professional...
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