
Proof Pelosi Lied about Obamacare [VIDEO]

I wish I could remember the name of the murder mystery novel I read many years ago, but I do recall an evil wife who slowly poisoned her husband. Every morning...

Rift Building Between Trump and McConnell

From before the election, many career Republicans tried to distance themselves from Donald Trump because of his many outrageous statements and his radically con...

Woman Writes Open Letter to Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga, I felt the need to write this open letter to you… Please do not try to play the hero. Don’t try to swoop in and “save the day” during the 2017 ...

Let the Liberals Leave!

All through history, whenever someone tries to bring an organization or nation back from liberalism, they face tons of opposition and protests. Years ago, th...

Judge Halts Trump Travel Ban

Liberals found a liberal judge in  to issue a temporary stay on President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration and refugees which affects everyone trav...



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