This past Tuesday night a sad story played out in downtown Denver, Colorado that didn’t get much coverage in the national media. A private security guard who wo...
After the Patriots took home a big win in the 2017 Super Bowl, fans celebrated their team and Tom Brady. Robert Kraft and Bill Belichick worked hard to have suc...
Liberals nationwide have been filing dozens of lawsuits challenging President Trump's executive order on immigration and refugees. Initially, an extremely liber...
Democrats and many other liberals are all up in arms over President Donald Trump’s executive order that placed a temporary ban immigration and refugees, especia...
Under 8 years of Barack Obama, the EPA assumed dictatorial powers over hundreds of American landowners. President Donald Trump vowed to stop the EPA from abusin...
Democrats in the New Mexico legislature are trying to pass more bills that restrict the rights of American gun owners and further violate their Second Amendment...
After US Judge James Robart places his personal liberal agenda above the authority of President Donald Trump by issueing a stay on Trump's immigration order, th...
I wish I could remember the name of the murder mystery novel I read many years ago, but I do recall an evil wife who slowly poisoned her husband.
Every morning...
In a show of strength and resolve, Defense Secretary James Mattis announced that US military forces will remain in Okinawa due to the increased tensions with Ch...
It seems that as each new day passes we hear of more and more Muslim leaders, groups, and nations who fully support (and agree with) Donald Trump’s recent order...
Many of the tech giant companies have jumped on the anti-Trump bandwagon in response to Trump's quest to protect America and American citizens. Realize that man...
From before the election, many career Republicans tried to distance themselves from Donald Trump because of his many outrageous statements and his radically con...
Where in the United States Constitution does it give one liberal judge the authority to place himself above the President of the United States?
Over the past f...
When Judge Gorsuch was nominated to the federal bench some years ago, he was unanimously approved by Democrats and Republicans, but that doesn't matter anymore ...
With the help of a liberal judge in Seattle, hundreds and thousands of refugees are rushing to enter the US before the White House can get President Trump's imm...
California has often been referred to as the land of nuts, fruits and flakes. You can read that any way you want, but in reference to that statement, it’s only ...
Lady Gaga,
I felt the need to write this open letter to you…
Please do not try to play the hero. Don’t try to swoop in and “save the day” during the 2017 ...
Liberals forget that when you fail to respect your enemies is when your enemies often surprise you and conquer you. In World War II, Allied forces respected Ado...
Nearly twenty years ago, I spoke with a professor at one of the nation’s most prestigious or popular seminaries. I asked him what was the number one advice he g...
The White House continues to try to persuade the most liberal federal court in America to lift its stay, stopping President Donald Trump's executive order on th...
Over the past several decades, Democrats and Republicans in Congress and the White House have trampled on the United States Constitution, the rights of the Amer...
North Korean dictator Kim-Jong Un has been exhibiting signs of an unstable power-hungry tyrant who wants to rule the world. As newly approved Secretary of Defen...
All through history, whenever someone tries to bring an organization or nation back from liberalism, they face tons of opposition and protests.
Years ago, th...
Liberals found a liberal judge in to issue a temporary stay on President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration and refugees which affects everyone trav...