At the time our Framers were drafting and discussing the US Constitution, some warned about federal judges abusing their power.
One group of framers believed t...
Disgruntled liberals have been calling for a boycott of all of Ivanka's product line, spurring many conservatives to start purchasing to show support. Amazon re...
Liberals and Democrats have been up in arms, screaming, crying and protesting against President Donald Trump, claiming that he is anti-immigration. They point o...
One of the many problems with establishing a new presidential administration is dealing with the officials still in their positions who are loyal to the opposin...
It’s truly a sad day in America when a Christian is no longer allowed to practice their faith without fear of losing their home, assets and everything they own....
Sean Spicer has been serving as White House Press Secretary and Communication Director. to take part of the load off of him, Mike Dubke, founder of Crossroads M...
If given the chance, liberal Democrats would quickly do away with the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They don’t want Americans to have the freedom of s...
Early Sunday morning, New York Jets' cornerback Darrelle Rivas was involved in an altercation in Pittsburgh. First reports stated that Rivas was not charged wit...
Many conservatives have been opposed to the Export-Import Bank for some years. The bank financially helps US exporters. During his campaign, Trump spoke out aga...
The Obama administration fought any effort by any Republican to make any changes to Obamacare. Ohio's Governor John Kasich tried when he requested to make a cha...
President Donald Trump is once again taking his case right to the people of the United States and once again he got the unwitting aide of the press corps to hel...
Barack Obama constantly lied through his teeth and spewed falsehood after falsehood after falsehood, and he was completely ignored by the liberal mainstream med...
Many legal experts say that if President Trump took his legal battle over his executive order to temporarily stop immigration and refugees to the US Supreme Cou...
When President Donald Trump issued his executive order calling for a temporary halt on immigrants and refugees, especially from the seven nations with a record ...
The majority of mainstream media outlets are ultra-liberal and very biased in their reporting of news. One of the more liberal news outlets is CNN, whose presid...
President Donald's Trump first nominee for Labor Secretary, Andrew Puzder was forced to withdraw his name from consideration due a possible scandal. Trump annou...
Washington DC is abuzz over the scandal surrounding President Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. Trump is claiming that there is a serious ...
Former CBS anchor and journalist, Dan Rather, is not only comparing the discrepancy between Michael Flynn and Mike Pence on Russia to Watergate, but he is sayin...
Are the melting glaciers and polar ice sheets a product of man-made climate change or simply due to normal cyclic fluctuations in global temperatures?
If you l...
Finally, a number of conservatives groups are gathering their armies of supporters to counter the anti-Trump protesters that have been garnering all of the medi...
Chicago, home to the crime legends of Al Capone, Mayor Daley and Barack Obama. The Windy City has a long history of violence and crime and these days, it’s no d...
Fox News is the most popular conservative mainstream news outlets. It is also one of the most trustworthy news outlets for accuracy. Now liberals are reporting ...
To liberals and Democrats, the 2016 election ended with a horror story, but now show creator Ryan Murphy says last year's election will be the topic Season 7 wi...
The first bill to repeal an Obama anti-gun measure passed Congress is now on its way to President Donald Trump’s desk.
On Wednesday, the Senate voted to overtu...