Liberals nationwide have been filing dozens of lawsuits challenging President Trump's executive order on immigration and refugees. Initially, an extremely liber...
The White House continues to try to persuade the most liberal federal court in America to lift its stay, stopping President Donald Trump's executive order on th...
My grandparents immigrated to this country from Italy. They were also seeking the American Dream. I'm thankful for their vision and sacrifice many years ago.
Anyone who believed that Barack Obama would slip away in silence has to be delusional. He promised that he would remain as silent as possible after leaving offi...
I wonder if this will get the liberal wingnuts to shut their yappers and stop complaining about President Trump’s immigration orders? Probably not…
On Monday’s...
President Donald Trump has not completed his administration yet, so many positions are still filled by people left over from Barack Obama's administration. Sall...
It's no surprise to see liberals here in America and in other nations react to President Donald Trumps executive order to place a temporary ban on refugees and ...
President Donald Trump promised to restrict the acceptance of refugees and immigrants and yesterday he took action to keep that promise. He took action to vet a...
During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump vowed to take action to restrict, reduce and even stop the influx of refugees and some immigration. Rumors circul...
Surprisingly, I have to admit that there is one positive aspect about gun control.
I want to say up front that I’m against any and all forms of gun control. I ...
Immigration became a huge issue in the 2016 presidential campaign.
Under Barack Obama, nearly 20 million illegal aliens have been allowed to remain in the US...
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