Honduras just received $125 million yesterday, thanks to a nice little plan that good ol Robin Hood, er, Obama set in place that gives away millions more of Americans’ money. Never mind the fact that we are $19,939,760,263,983.42 in freaking debt!!!!!! That’s just today’s numbers.
Oh yeah, and then there’s the small tidbit that it would take $55 million to fix Flint, Michigan’s water, which is extremely toxic. It is causing serious health issues, including high levels of lead in the bloodstream, especially for the children.
Those are only TWO of the reasons that we absolutely should not be throwing money out the window to other countries.
Oh, but don’t worry, Obama justifies it as a way to slow the illegal immigration to America. His logic is that if we give them money, which will total in $750 million once the program is played out, then life in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador will improve.
This is all part of a plan that Obama created, which is known as the Northern Triangle of Central America.
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