Paris was the unfortunate victim of terrorist attacks, some months back, in which many people died. However, this is not the only terror that the women of Paris are experiencing. The sad, newer regular occurrence involves the stalking of Paris women by Muslim men.
These attacks are happening quite often in metro areas, such as the metro platforms, trains, and escalators.
Why though, in this video, does not one person come to the womens’ aid? If no one will protect these women, then they need to be able to protect themselves. The next time a refugee stalks them, they should be able to pull a gun from their purse or waistline and I guarantee that pig will not touch her again.
The need for guns is higher than ever. Not only do we need to protect ourselves and our rights, but we ought to be able to protect others as well.
In once instance, these animals attacked and beat a woman simply because she served alcohol during Ramadan. The whole thing was caught on camera, and she told Russia Today News:
“Serving alcohol doesn’t mean I’m not following my [religious] duties. I’m doing it because I am a bartender. In Tunisia, I do the same job and I never had any problems.
“I can’t believe that in France, the country of liberty, that I could be attacked like this.”
To defeat a bully, you must stand up to him. If these women could start carrying, they would not fall victim of refugee pigs anymore.
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