Anyone who disagrees with a liberal Democrat is called mean, hateful and racist. When Donald Trump spoke about the real problems facing America, liberals said he had a mean streak in him. Now that Trump has been sworn in as President, they are just waiting to pounce on anything positive he does.
Often when someone in a public service job leaves that position, nobody really tells you why.
They want to spend more time with their family. They are going to take the opportunity to explore other opportunities. Yada. Yada. Yeah, right.
But sometimes you can catch a hint of whatever the boss, or the board, found lacking in the old person when a certain quality is stressed in the search for the new one.
The chamber of commerce in a town where I was a reporter bounced their public relations/lobbyist person after only a few months without any explanation. The unattributed rumor, supported by some personal experience, was that she was just too abrasive a person for a job that demanded tact and diplomacy.
That theory gained validation when the posting for her replacement came out and stressed as a qualification for the job “a professional demeanor.”
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