Sanctuary cities, counties and states are violating federal immigration laws and placing the American people in danger by protecting illegal aliens. First President Trump threatened to cut off federal funding to sanctuary cities and now Attorney General Jeff Sessions has re-iterated the same threat, causing a number of anti-American mayors to go into a tirade over the threat.
The Justice Department’s threat Monday to pull funding from local and state governments that refuse to comply with federal immigration enforcement laws drew a defiant response from big-city mayors.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions took the podium at the White House press briefing to fire the broadside at cities that refuse to notify Immigration and Customs Enforcement when they have illegal immigrants in custody. Judging from the response from mayors of the nation’s biggest cities, the Trump administration has a fight on its hands.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio downplayed the significance of Sessions’ message and said in his weekly television segment Sessions was more “saber-rattling.”
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