When President Donald Trump was in Florida, a chink of 2x4 wood was hurled at his motorcade. Police have identified five middle school students as the cuplrits ...
Amid rumors, it's being reported that new aggressive guidelines for the arresting and deporting of illegal aliens have been signed by DHS Secretary John Kelly. ...
Under 8 years of Barack Obama, the EPA assumed dictatorial powers over hundreds of American landowners. They swooped in with their tyrannical agenda of controll...
China has been flexing their military muscle by trying to expand their control of the South China Sea. US allies, Japan and the Philippines have been concerned ...
It seems that General Mattis is learning to play the political game in Washington DC in such a way as to side with the mainstream liberals and media instead of ...
CBS’ John Dickerson recently appeared on the Hugh Hewitt radio show to discuss the media’s relationship with Donald Trump.
During their conversation Dickerson ...
Space X, the private rocket company became the first non-government company to successfully launch a rocket from Launch Complex 39A at the Kennedy Space Center ...
If liberals only knew the danger that Islam poses for America, the American people and the American way of life. They claim to come here to enjoy our way of lif...
Donald Trump and Republicans promised during the elections last year that they would repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act as soon as possible. However, th...
With the alleged revelations that emerged from the elections, many believe that Donald Trump has a warm and fuzzy relationship with Russia and Vladimir Putin. G...
Everyone should understand that the media news has always had some bias to it, but in the past decade, that biased attitude has become so strong that it results...
When it comes to employment or housing, no one is legally permitted to discriminate based upon skin color, age, sex, sexual orientation or religion. At least th...
Gun and Gang violence continues to increase in Chicago, despite strict city, county and state gun control laws. Interviews with some gang members reveal that mo...
After years of drought, large parts of California are being ravaged by yet another massive storm. This storm, dubbed 'bombogenesis' has already claimed 2 lives ...
About two and half years ago, the news was filled with rumors about a possible merger between T-Mobile and Sprint. That merger never happened, but now new rumor...
After both the 2008 and 2012 election victories for Barack Obama, a number of verifiable evidences showed that the incidents of voter fraud were much broader th...
Newly confirmed and sworn in Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has been a very successful businessman who recognizes unnecessary and excess staff. In a move to t...
Many Americans are familiar with the original Star Trek series' intro that talked about exploring the Final Frontier. America's space program and NASA is waitin...
OPEC has signed its death warrant.
Most people do not understand what is going on with the oil markets and the huge risk OPEC is taking.
Just as a quick revie...
Over the years, we hear of many bizarre defenses given for committing murder or other crimes. The woman traveling on a Vietnamese passport who threw a poison la...
During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump promised to work with Boeing to promote buy American. He convinced the airplane manufacturing giant to stay in th...
Even though there is no statute of limitations on attempted murder of a police officer, Charles Hays will not face prosecution for the shooting of Columbus poli...
When most people think of Unilever, they think of soaps, but the giant company also produces Ben & Jerry's, Hellmans, Vasoline and many other products. Kraf...
Someone began spreading a rumor that the White House was considering activating National Guard units across the nation to round up illegal aliens. Like many oth...