
More Lawsuits Pile up Against Taurus

As you may already know, Taurus International settled a whopping $239 million dollar “product liability class action suit” in the federal courts. The reason? A ...

Gun Community: Pink for October

Did you know that each year, several gun manufacturers band together in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month? You better believe it!   At an estimated ...

Trump VS Clinton: Gun Rights

“I think her bodyguards should drop all weapons and disarm….take their guns away.” –Donald Trump Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton finally agreed on one thing: p...

Are Milllennials Skeptical of Guns?

Millennial. Just that word alone can put the metallic taste of disdain in your mouth, or make you swell with pride. Whether you hate them or love them, we all n...

Guess Which State Is Loosening Gun Laws?

Today, lawmakers in Missouri used a heavy Republican supermajority vote to loosen the state gun laws. This new law will allow (most) adults to carry a concealed...



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