The liberal media has been trying to eradicate conservative viewpoints on Facebook, Twitter, and even Google — crying “false news and propaganda” are the reasons their pick Hillary didn’t claim the throne (I mean chair) in the Oval Office. Never mind that the people of the United States declined to bow the knee to her socialist platform and communist mentalities.
But they don’t mind jumping on the fake news bandwagon themselves, it would seem.
The liberal media have been playing up a report by the Central Intelligence Agency that hackers aligned with the Russian government had allegedly provided Julian Assange with the hacked emails his website WikiLeaks published during the fall, but a former British ambassador to Uzbekistan is going public again to blow the story out of the water.
“As [WikiLeaks founder] Julian Assange has made crystal clear, the leaks did not come from the Russians,” former Ambassador Craig Murray wrote on his blog Monday morning, adding that he had direct access to the original source. “As I have explained countless times, they are not hacks, they are insider leaks — there is a major difference between the two …
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